Monday, May 10, 2010

Time to DO WORK

Saturday's Spartan 300 Challenge benchmark workout was a lot tougher than I expected. In 20 minutes, I was able to get through:

25 pull ups (most of my time was spent here, and I ripped my hands)
50 deadlifts (95#)
50 push ups (from knees - BOO!)
50 box jumps (20")
10 Floor Wipers (95#)

I still had all of this remaining when "time" was called:

40 Floor wipers
50 KB clean and press (14kg)
25 pull ups


I'm glad I did Rx weight, so I will be able to complete this workout as Rx'd on 6/26. And, in the process of getting my ass kicked, it became very clear to me where I need to focus my training over the course of the next 7 weeks:

  1. Build strength in my chest, back and core to help with pull ups and push ups
  2. Work on kipping pull up technique each week and perfom perfect push ups each day
  3. Work on stamina and endurance
So, I've updated my goals accordingly. I'm meeting with Coach Crystal on Thursday to work on the kipping movement. It's high time I get these pull ups right. No more meaty hands!

I am ready to DO WORK and see results. Time for bad-assery.