Monday, October 26, 2009

The end of the year is near

Weather changes and the upcoming Daylight savings time switch remind me that the end of the year is right around the corner. That means I have about 8 weeks left on my 3-month challenge! YIKES! Time to kick it into high gear by strictly adhering to my Paleo/Zone diet. I think that is the final piece of the puzzle for me. I've been gaining strength and endurance, but I'm not seeing the definition that I was hoping for - unfortunately, its all due to diet and nutrition. Which, is the toughest part for me - especially on the weekends. So, from here on out I've got to be as diciplined as I can be in order to shed some body fat and see the muscle I've been building. So, my dearest wine, it is time for me to say goodbye. We'll always have the memories... Not exactly sure what today's WOD is, but I know it has some back squats and deadlifts. Looks like I will be sore for my first day of CoEd training tomorrow!

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